Monday, August 9, 2010

Ready or Not, Here it Comes....

I'm exactly two weeks out from the greatest adventure of my young life. In all honesty, I have a mix of joy, fear, optimism, anxiety, anticipation, and that I'm-on-a-rollercoaster-and-the-pimply-high-school-kid-that-pushes-the-GO-button-for-minimum-wage-is-looking-the-other-way-so-even-if-I-give-him-the-"thumbs-down"-he-won't-notice-so-I'm-going-whether-I-want-to-or-not feeling. Ya know?

This feeling is most likely caused by the fact that I'm about to head off to a foreign country that is far far from my comfort zone that is nestled in the bosom of the Ozark Mountains. Not to mention I'm going with a complete group of strangers...but I could be completely wrong. It doesn't help that for the past four days I have been battling my very first case of strep throat rather than getting ready for my adventure.

Despite all of this, I know this is going to be the most amazing experience of my life. I have known since I was five years old that I wanted to do nonprofit work. While I know I'm a far cry from Mother Teresa, I hope that this time among those who did not grow up in a white middle class family in the heart of America (North America that is) will change my life along with theirs. I want this experience to foster my own growth and reaffirm my calling. And I know that if I put my mind to it, my semester abroad will do all of the above.

On to matters of housekeeping. I will be in three different countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua) throughout my four months in Central America. I will be in Guatemala from August 23rd until September 25th, El Salvador from September 26th until October 22nd when I will begin my fall break and who knows where I will end up during that time, and I will be in Nicaragua from November 1st until December 11th when I will return home. Since no one uses forms of communication besides snail mail these days I will provide you with my addresses for each country in case you want to write. (Just fyi, that snail mail thing was a joke. I will have facebook, email, skype, and access to a phone)

Guatemala:     c/o Proyecto Linguísico Quetzalteco
                        5a Calle, 2-42, Zona 1
                        Quezaltenango, Quetzaltenengo

El Salvador:    c/o Centro de Educación Mundial
                        Apartado Postal 05-181
                        San Salvador, San Salvador
                        El Salvador

Nicaragua:     Centro de Educación Mundial
                        Apartado RP-44
                        Monseñor Lezcano
                        Managua, Nicaragua

Make sure if you do send me mail you keep in mind that I will be in each country a short period of time and mail moves slowly there. Mail that arrives for me after I have continued on to the next country will not be forwarded. Just send them with sufficient anticipation. Also, if for some reason you are sending more than a letter, you should contact me for a different address.

Finally, I will be keeping up with this blog throughout my travels, but I can’t promise that I’ll have a ton of time to spend on making them fun and entertaining…so if that’s what you’re looking for then I suggest you read this blog…it’s always funny.

I will leave you with this little present that was left in the middle of the first city in which I will be residing for a month:

Read story...

…Cool! My own hell mouth! If you’re a fellow Buffy fan, then you are as terrified as I am. Where is Spike when you need him?

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