Saturday, October 23, 2010

Moving on

Before this trip I was a victim of my culture. I was caught up in the consumerism, materialism, and privilege. I was plastic. I was content to live in my nice, neat, safe, and comfortable life. My eyes were closed to the pain and suffering of the world because it was easier that way. I reflected what I was told by my society. I bought the stories that I was fed. I was part of the sin that permeates society by cooperating in the victimization of the marginalized.

Through this trip so far, through Sobrino, Gutierrez, and Johnson, through Nueva Esperanza, Nuevo Gualcho, Mapache, Rogelio, Naom, and Sister Peggy I have begun to create a new story. My eyes have been open to the reality and truth. I still reflect stories, but they are a new kind of story and a new kind of reality. I have moved to the roots of life; moved into the reality of the masses. I have begun a journey towards truth, hope, understanding, and progress within myself and within humanity.

I have been, and continue to be transformed by my time and experiences here. I want to "pig out on life" in the words of Sister Peggy. I want to take what I have learned and use it to change the structure of poverty. Not just rebuild, but to build new. 

This is what I take with me from El Salvador.

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