Last night I had a small English lesson with the kids that come over. They would say something in Spanish, I would write it in English, and we would practice saying it together. German asked me what "usted tiene" meant, so I told him "you have." Then he asked what "frijoles" was…"beans" and finally "dientes" means teeth. After translating this strange list of words, German looked at me and said, "You have beans teeth"….I had beans in my teeth.

Today I didn't have to work, so I hung out with German and Ezequiel. We walked to the park to buy bootleg movies. The guy selling the movies had taught himself English so we talked for awhile, then German, Ezequiel and I came home and watched The Simpsons.
I spent the rest of the day hanging out with children and the hostel staff. I also went to the fair, which was a blast.
I wish I had something profound to say for today, but I don't. I just had a very enjoyable, restful day.
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