I love being with you. You make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. You're beautiful and nice. There are so many interesting and attractive qualities about you. I love each and every moment I share with you. From the very first moment I laid eyes on you I knew we were destined to be together someday. In fact, I think I might want to spend a good portion of the rest of my life with you…but here's the thing…every time I leave you, bad things happen to me.
Last time I left you I was torn up. I cried and thought of you longingly. Then I had to spend the night on a hard floor in the Atlanta airport cold, hungry, devastated, and alone. I "woke up" (I never really slept) to find my gate assignment had changed and I forgot Atlanta is an hour ahead of Springfield and ran crying through the airport to arrive right as they were getting ready to close the gate for my flight. This time, I had the scariest plane experience of my life.

Nicaragua, please realize I'm not leaving you for good, I just have other things I have to do before I can make the sort of commitment you deserve. No matter how many rivers, mountains, volcanoes, and countries separate us, nothing will stop me from returning to you. I just hope next time I don't have to suffer more than just the feeling of loss I get from our separation.
Thinking of you always,
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