I was in the Puppy Corral at the Humane Society. I promised I would feed and walk her every day. Holding that perfect little yellow lab mutt in my arms, I would have promised anything. So, on September 23, 1995 I came home with my new best friend, Justice. From that moment, my most loyal and accepting friend accompanied me throughout my childhood.

When we were younger, Justice and I did everything together. We played in the sprinkler, had tea with the Loch Ness Monster, went on treasure hunts, exercised, explored, wrestled, and napped together. Justice was there the first time I was asked out by a boy, and after I rejected him Justice and I freaked out together in nervous, giddy disbelief. Every night she kissed me goodnight, front paws on a step stool, tongue just reaching my face. When it was stormy out, she slept under my bed. She brought me her bowl when she was hungry, fetched the newspaper every morning, talked, and danced. Most importantly, she always loved her family and her girl.

As we grew older, I ran off to explore my life and took Justice more and more for granted. Throughout middle school, high school, and college, no matter what I did, she never judged or resented me. All she did was love me unconditionally.
In a few hours I have to say goodbye to my friend and loyal companion. As I set in this moment next to one of my oldest friends, I can’t shake the feeling of imminent doom and the end of days…I guess in some ways it is the end of days as I have known them for nearly my entire remembered life. My friend, my constant, my giver of unrestricted love will not be here anymore. However, for over sixteen years I was her girl and she was my dog. I couldn’t have asked for a greater gift.
July 4, 1995-December 21, 2011
I love you and I love Justice. She'll always be with you. She's part of you.
ReplyDeleteTwo lives connected, one lives the other moves on...but never forgotten. Thank you for your love and loyalty you big hunk of yellow fur and big cocoa eyes. You lived an outstanding sixteen years, now It's time to finaly rest in peace. You were loved and will remain in the hearts of many. Bless you sweet dog. Bless you sweet niece.