Yesterday afternoon my friends Josh and Ryan came over to my house to study and begin our first assignment. Margarita made us hot chocolate that was delicious! While we were studying, my host sister, Elisa, was listening to Lady Gaga. As soon as the song "Poker Face" began playing, I ran downstairs to do the zumba dance that goes with it. I couldn't tell if Elisa thought I was funny or crazy, pero, no me importa.
After we studied, my friends left and I went to the kitchen to work on the rest of my homework while Margarita cooked dinner. I noticed something was wrong with Margarita, so I asked her if she was ok. She started crying and drooling and telling me about how she tripped on an animal and fell on the street. It apparently knocked the wind out of her and she was still in pain and short of breath. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen in my life. After she told me what happened, she came over and cried on my shoulder for a few minutes….it was sad and adorable. I really love that tiny woman.
Jorge, my host father, came into the kitchen right as dinner was being served (we still have not had a family meal. I always in dinner at the bar in the kitchen). As we ate and practiced language, I asked Jorge what he does for a living. He grabbed my Spanish/English dictionary and pointed out the word "retired". I understood, but then he started laughing (because he's not really retired) and said "OH MY YOD!", meaning "OH MY GOD!" It was hilarious. I ended up finding out that Sandra, my host mother, works at a biology lab and Jorge is an accountant for the administration…this explains why they are so rich. I then asked if the kids go to school and he said that they go to the university, but its closed. I asked why, so he got up, flipped his sweater over his head so that his face was covered minus his mouth (don't worry…he had a shirt on underneath), and started shaking his fists, yelling, and holding a tupperwear lid like a sign…the university was closed because the students were protesting, but I preferred Jorge's way of saying it.
After dinner, everyone in my family left and it was only 8:30, so I went to a few friend's houses to get them to go out to celebrate surviving our first day of school.
My family has really made me feel at home. I'm just another Mejia. Last night when Sandra came home, Jorge yelled, "YOUR MODER IS HOME!!" It made me happy. I love this family, I just wish I could communicate with them a little bit better. Hopefully I will be able to do this soon after the mental beating I take every day at school. It's not that bad, but it is a TON of information all at once that I am supposed to know by the next day.
Speaking of school, I feel like a little kid walking to PLQ (my school) since I haven't had to get to school on foot since elementary. I really felt like a little kid today because I was walking to school with an upset tummy. I could be from the food or from accidentally using water that is not purified to brush my teeth. Either way, I felt pretty awful and not in the mood to speak Spanish for five straight hours or take a mental beating. I did, however, make it through my lesson, then returned home to eat a small meal and take a nap before coming back to school to work on the mound of homework I have for tomorrow.